
Showing posts from February, 2019


Pragmatism The etymological history by pragmatism goes to the Greek word 'Pragma' which means 'activity' or 'work done'. It is also believed that the English word pragmatism originates from the Greek word 'Pragmatikos' which refers to 'practically' or 'utility.             Pragmatism comes into existence as a rejection of Idealism and Naturalism. Pragmatism believes in experiment as the only criterion of Truth, it is also known as experimentalism or consequentialism. It does not believe in absolute Truth rather it believes in multiple truths which are in the process of making. Pragmatism regards Truth, Beauty, Reality, Goodness and Badness not absolute but relative to human experience. It is experiment that verifies all of the elements. Truth can be changed, so are other aspects. That is why the truth of today can be false tomorrow and vice versa.             Pragma...


Realism Realism means to keep a firm grasp of what actually the care is 'about a thing' or 'concerning some object'. It does not believe in anticipation, speculation and illusion. It assumed as an 'angle of vision' which does not have a chair for imagination, fancy and guess. The English word realism has been derived from the Greek word 'Res' which means 'object.' So realism means the factual reflection of what the object is. Realism opposes the idealist view as the god is true and the world is false. On the contrary Realism regards the material world that our senses feel as true, and does not accept the existence of that which our senses cannot feel.   Realism starts coming in the horizon of philosophy believing in material or physical world.   Realism starts develop during 17th century because of development of science and technology. Philosophers Aristotle, Newton, Bacon, Copernicus, Russell etc have contributed on Realism. Def...