6.3 National Education Commission 2049 BS (NEC- 1992)

6.3          National Education Commission 2049 BS (NEC- 1992)

                The People Movement of 2046 BS brought change in every sector. Obviously education could not be a escape from it. Consequently a commission  was formed in Falgun 14, 2047BS to manage good environment in educational sector, In Asar 14, 2049 BS, the commission has submitted 201 pages long proposal which has mentioned the national objectives of education, framework and policy, primary education, secondary and higher secondary education, higher education, normal and technical education, Sanscrit education, technical as well as vocational education, teacher  education, special education, informal education, financial management of education sector,  educational management and observation etc. This commission has also mentioned pre-primary education in different subjects, about the private school textbooks and evaluation, library, extracurricular activities etc.

Educational Goals and Objectives 2049

Education should help to foster the potentialities of innate capacity and personality development of every individual.
Education should help to develop the decent social life by preserving sovereign human values as well as national and social norms and regulations to every individual.
Education should strengthen the social integrity by helping the individuals' socialization.
Education should help a person to have a cohesive life in modern age with keeping self-identification in national and international context.
Education should develop the human resources for the national development by helping the social modernization.
Education should help to preserve and use natural environment and national heritages.
Education should help to bring the backward persons into the national main stream.

The proposal of National Educational commission 2049 has proposed the structure of school as follows:

Pre Primary Level: 1 year before primary education
Primary Level     : Grade 1 to 5 ( 1 to 3 basic level)
Secondary Level: Lower Secondary: Grade 6 to 8
                                : Secondary Grade 9 and 10
                                : Higher Secondary Level Grade 11 and 12
Higher Level       : Bachelor Level 3 years
                                : Degree Level 2 year
                                : M. Phil.
                                : Ph.D.

National policy of education

This commission has recommended for the following national policy of education

Primary education should be universalized. Non-formal education should be provided to people not having access to education and they should be able to provide continuing education.
Curriculum must be reorganized from lower to higher level.
Primary education should be given in mother tongue. Nepali should be the official language of the country and language of higher education.
Priority should be given to English in national and international context. Opportunity should be provided for education in other international languages.
Technical schools should be established in all regions of the country.
Environment education should be included in curriculum. Agriculture education should be included from lower level of curriculum and technical and vocational education should be expanded.
Arrangements should be made for providing education to women, disable, disadvantaged to bring them in national mainstream. Education and training should be provided to ethnic people for their development. It should be expanded to remote areas.
Education structure should be re-organized. Definition of literacy should be provided for re-enrollment in formal education from non-formal education and an Open University should be established.
Provision should be made for entrance examination from improving the quality of education. Teacher's right should be protected. University Grant Commission should be established and national investment in education should be increased.


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