Agencies of Socialization and Modes of Socialization

Agencies of Socialization

 A society consists of a variety of groups with their various aims and interests. All of such groups directly or indirectly contribute to educate the individuals in one way or the other. Agencies of education are the means for socialization because it is education that accelerates socialization of the people.
 Different social groups activate in the society as agencies of education which ultimately contribute to educate them, and to socialize through education. Agencies of the education are the sources of education such as schools, collages, family, society, state, library, media and different social institutions. Such agencies of education take responsibility of educating and socializing the individuals, reconstructing and developing the society, preserving, transmitting and developing cultural heritages.

Classification of agencies of Education in Socialization

Active agencies

 The agencies which actively participate in educating and socializing process by directly interacting with individuals are the active agencies of socialization, with such agencies; an individual comes into contact and reacts directly such as
Community Peer Group
Mass Media
Political, Religious and Economic Group

Passive agencies

 Such agencies do not interact mutually in direct way, such agencies are regarded passive agencies of education.

Modes of socialization

Repressive mode of socialization

 It is a mode of socialization where an individual is socialized through repression. It is a punishment oriented socialization on which children are compelled to behave as regards the social norms, values and rules by threatening them with corporal as well as non-corporal punishment. This kind of socialization represses the behavior, interests, individual differences and aspirations of children and emphasizes them to follow the society.
 Repressive mode of socialization tries to socialize individuals by pressure or repression; it believes that freedom spoils the children. It doesn't prefer mutual interaction it is leader oriented. It denies the independent existence of individual. It emphasizes a group of people rather than individual's need, interest and aspirations.

Permissive or participatory mode of socialization

 Permissive or participatory mode of socialization gives permission to interests, thought and aspirations of children and evokes their active participation to socialization; it is regarded as permissive or participatory mode of socialization. This mode of socialization is democratic; it is opposite to repressive mode of socialization. In this mode of socialization, children and adults involve in mutual interaction and discussion about social behavior, norms, values and culture unlike repressive mode of socialization. It believes that rewarding good behavior means negating wrong behavior.
 Permissive mode of socialization believes that wrong behavior can be negated by rewarding good behavior. It is child centered socialization. It applies two way communications - interaction and discussion regarding social behavior norms values and culture.


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