The Relation of idealism with education

Objectives of education

               According idealism, the ultimate aim of life is self-realization. Education should be directed towards the attainment of the following aims to attain self-realization.
1.      Personality Development and Self-actualization
2.      Development of Spiritual Realm
3.      Cultivation of Truth, Beauty and Goodness
4.      Development of Intelligence, Creativity and Rationality
5.      Preservation, Promotion and Transmission of Cultural heritage
6.      Focus on Universal Education
7.      Control over Emotion
8.      Development of Physical Health

Education Processes of Idealistic Education
The whole effort of idealistic education goes to establish a learner as an ideal human being. Idealistic education emphasizes a learner as an ideal human being. Idealistic education emphasizes the inner conviction of learner toward idealism, moral values, discipline and decent moral character. It focuses on depth study, which can bring modification in precept to, rather than studying tits-bits in shallow way by being a robot.
Idealistic education emphasizes the following processes to apply in teaching-learning activities:
i.                 Discipline based educative process
ii.                Initiation for interest
iii.               Learning through imitation
iv.               Learning through reading and lecturing
v.                Achievement of higher goal
vi.               Teacher centered education process
vii.             Focusing on self-activity and creativity

               The curriculum of idealism is prepared to the attainment of the moral values of truth, goodness and beauty, which are essential for attainment of self-realization. It believes that eternal truth can acquired through only the attainment of self-realization. The moral values of truth, goodness and beauty can achieved through the following three types of activities
1.      Truth ÞIntellectual activities: Language, Literature, Geography, Physical education
2.      Goodness Þ Moral activities: Religion , Ethics, Spiritual studies
3.      BeautyÞ Aesthetic activities: Art, Music
Idealism believes that all the ideas of human race should be included in curriculum. These ideas are precious treasure of human race. Acquisition of these ideas should be ultimate aim of education.

Idealism and Role of Teacher
Idealism education regards teacher as a candle who burns and sheds lights to learner. A teacher is a living example of ideal life whose each activity the leaders can imitate. Teacher is a role model, guide, pathfinder, motivator ad helper who takes learners from darkness to light of education through the ladder of idealism. Idealism has determined the following roles of a teacher:
i.                 A person who has attained self-realization
ii.                Creator of learning environment
iii.               Leader of educative process
iv.               Helping learner in attainment of supreme soul
v.                An ideal role model
vi.               A gardener

Idealism and role of student
Idealists regard a child as a person who possesses the right to be an ideal human being. A child is a spiritual being and a replica of universal soul who possesses potentiality of getting self-actualization. Idealistic education takes learners as follow:
a.      Students are spiritual being
b.      Students are in the process of becoming
c.      Students are ideal characters
d.      Students need to be disciplined


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