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Assignment work

Assignment work 1. What is the meaning of education? Explain three forms of education with example. 2. Elaborate the concept of approaches to education. Why the skill-based and competency-based education is essential for Nepal? 3. What is the meaning of philosophy? "Education is the dynamic side of philosophy". Justify the statement to relate the function of education with philosophical beliefs.

Relation between philosophy and education

3.2       Relation between philosophy and education There is an intimate relationship between philosophy and education. Philosophy is defined as the search for knowledge and education is the process of bringing out the latent knowledge inside the human being. Hence education can be considered as the process of philosophy. Philosophy guides education towards the determination of its goal, where education helps philosophy to develop its own form. The Entire great philosophers were great educators of their time. All the philosophers have used education as a means for the formation of their philosophy.   The great philosophers Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Dewey are known as the great educationists. Definition of Educational Philosophy "Education is a system which guides the youth to proper logical discourages supported by rules and regulations accepted on the basis of preceding generations".           ...

Functions of Philosophy

Functions of Philosophy Philosophy concerns with the whole aspects that fall within the scope of human being. Philosophy is an attempt to deal with the most general and systematic way about everything in the universe. Philosophy possesses wide range of functions the following are the functions of philosophy in general.       a.        Descriptive function Philosophy explains the universe investigated by it. This explanation is based on its own findings. It also gives the verification of its findings. It gives the full description of the knowledge investigated by it.       b.       Speculative function Philosophy uses its guess about the unknown world. This guessing is not haphazard but systematic. Philosophy uses logic for speculation. Speculation or guessing is the beginning of philosophy.       c.        Prescr...

Philosophical perspectives on Education

Unit III: Philosophical perspectives on Education 3.1 Concept, branches and functions of philosophy Concept The English word 'philosophy' comes from the Greek word 'philosophia' which consists of 'philos' and 'sophia'. Philos' means 'love of' and 'sophia' means 'wisdom'. Hence the meaning of philosophy means love of wisdom. Wisdom consists of knowledge and its inevitable implication in all situations or circumstances.                 'Darshan' is the Nepali word for 'philosophy' and it's derived from Sanskrit language. The word 'Darshan' means 'to see', furthermore the meaning is wisdom of truth.                 Philosophy neither falls in a realm of particular subjects nor does it only concentrate on the specific aspects. Philosophy touches ins and outs of everything no matter whether the things exist materially or spiritua...