Functions of Philosophy

Functions of Philosophy

Philosophy concerns with the whole aspects that fall within the scope of human being. Philosophy is an attempt to deal with the most general and systematic way about everything in the universe. Philosophy possesses wide range of functions the following are the functions of philosophy in general.

      a.       Descriptive function

Philosophy explains the universe investigated by it. This explanation is based on its own findings. It also gives the verification of its findings. It gives the full description of the knowledge investigated by it.

      b.      Speculative function

Philosophy uses its guess about the unknown world. This guessing is not haphazard but systematic. Philosophy uses logic for speculation. Speculation or guessing is the beginning of philosophy.

      c.       Prescriptive function

Philosophy not only presents the truth it also tells human beings about their duties. It does not tell only what is it? It also tells what should be done. It develops the value system which should be followed by human beings. It establishes ideas, standard of moral behavior, social duties. It is also called the normative function.

      d.      Analytic function

It is also called criticizer function of philosophy. It analyzes truth and untruth. It analyzes the truth into positive and negative category. It also analyzes the strength and weakness in human condut and relation between existing knowledge.


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