Question Answer

1.      Explain the open and distance learning education and its process.
            Education is the most important basic need of human beings. It opens the door for all round development for people. For providing education schools are opened in all parts of the country to meet the objectives of education. Facilities are provided to educate all without any discrimination. Despite these endeavors, often a large portion of population cannot be able to utilize these opportunities properly due to various reasons. On the other hand the rapid changes are occurring in the field of science and technology.  The world of knowledge around us is changing very rapidly. The education given by educational institutions in the past may not be capable to solve all the problems of people related to present time and for the people who cannot attend the formal structure of education due to their job and other reasons. For solving all these types of problem and providing education to all people the concept of open and distance learning is generated.
            The basic principles of open education is 'Learning opportunities should be provided without delay.' and distance learning is method of indirect instruction. In open and distance learning students learn by self study they can use different types of materials for self study such as: contact classes, mobiles and computer libraries, communication media such as radio, TV and internet.
            The delivery approach of open education is paced according to ability of students. Students take their own time for learning lesson. They learn through self study using their leisure time. All students learn in their own rate by using different alternative means and materials. When they finish learning task, they enter in the learning of other task. In this way, they finish the learning of certain level according to their pace. When they feel ready to take examination, educational instructions provide an opportunity to the students to appear in the final examination. After the success in final examination, they are awarded the academic degree, which is termed equivalent to the degrees provided by formal education institutions.
            Now days after rise of the information technology, many educational institutions and universities have provided online courses. A student can get the higher degree utilizing his leisure time. Open and distance education provides a chance for earning and learning at the same time. In the context of our nation it is very much useful for the people who cannot attend in the formal education. Our educational instructions should provide such types of opportunities to the people who want to take such types of education. The government and the related stakeholders should manage the system of open and distance learning and provide opportunities for such students. From which we can increase our literacy rate and we can product skillful manpower and develop our nation.


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