Meaning of Education

1.3    Meaning of Education

Education means the acquisition of knowledge, understanding, intelligence, conscience, wisdom etc. Common people think it is the process which takes place in schools and collages and the person who has acquired certificate from these institutions can only be termed as educated. But in real sense, it is not limited only to schooling. There is no limit of time, place and age for the acquisition of education. People can acquire education everywhere, in every moment of their life without the bound of age. They can get education from every source such as schools, parents, society, colleagues, mass media etc. The  Meaning of education can be discussed from following perspectives:

a.     Etymological meaning of education

Etymologically, it is believed that the word "education" has been derived from two Latin words "E" means "from witin" and "duco" means "to bring out". Hence education means the process which brings out the internal potentialities and abilities of learners.
The etymological sources of the word education.
Etymological Source
Nepali/English Word
Etymological Meaning
शिक्षाशिक्षा दिनु
To train, act of teaching
To lead out, to draw out
To bring up, to raise, to educate

By above sources, we can conclude that education is a process, which brings the internal potentialities of a learner outside. 

b.    Narrow meaning of education
In this point of view education is limited with the boundary of school. It is a process by which a person acquires knowledge needed to fulfill the demand of job market. This type of education follows a definite curriculum and takes place in formal institution such as schools, collages etc. Only people trained in the institutions and who have received certificates as a mark of success can be considered as educated. Such type of education as bookish knowledge which may not be adequate for the all round development of an individual.

c.    Wider meaning of education
In the wider sense, education is not limited to the boundary of schools. It is related to all the knowledge, skills and attitudes, which people acquire in the course of their life from different types of sources. It takes place throughout the life from the cradle to the grave. Institutions of formal education are not the only source of providing education. It can be acquired from any source and at any place. In this sense education is a life long process free from any formalities.


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