Continuing education

2.2    Continuing Education


Education is lifelong venture. Education is not a static thing that is acquired at the certain period of life and can be used throughout the life. It is a process which starts from the womb and lasts long to the tomb of an individual. Education in its wider sense includes all the influences all which act upon an individual during his passage from the cradle to the grave. Education keeps in touch with every aspects of human life. Not only the students, teachers but also the individuals are learning things in day to day life through multiple ways. Education is life and life is education, the process continues every moment of life. There is only one subject matter or education and that is life in all its manifestations. 


            It is oblivious that the knowledge or skill which is achieved once cannot always help a person to deal with newly emerging problems. That is why an individual needs to involve learning process continuously. As the time changes so does human needs. And the once acquired skill and knowledge render become unable during the whole life. The individual who stops learning becomes not only stale but also useless. So people need the continuing education and update of their knowledge and skills.


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