Social interaction

4.4 Social interaction

Social interaction is all types of action and reactions that take place between the individuals and groups of a society and through which they influence others' behavior and also modify ones' behavior. It is a two polar process in which a person acts both as stimulant and respondent. As a stimulant he or she affects other's behavior and as a respondent, he is affected by other's behavior. In this process, the people involved in social interaction influence each other's behavior. It is the process by which a person learns social behavior. A person is socialized in his or her society through social interactions.
Social interaction is a relationship between individuals and groups, which modifies the behavior of the people participating in it. Children learn the cultural pattern of society by social interaction. Socialization is also a result of social interaction.  'Social contact' and 'Exchange of ideas' are the necessary conditions for social interaction. Social interaction cannot take place in vacuum. There should be a direct contact between the people for social interaction. There should be exchange of ideas between them, the exchange of idea results social interaction.

Importance of Social Interaction

Social interaction is a process whereby social units interact to each other. Social interaction means to have interaction between two or more than two people in the society. It is not only the interaction between two people but also the interaction among people, people and the social units and so on.
Social interaction is a process which keeps society alive. Without social interaction, society doesn't exist in real sense. In fact, human civilization is out and out based on social interaction. Social interaction helps to develop human civilization. Social interaction is a medium of learning. Therefore interacting with the social phenomena, an individual can learn many things.
1. We can list out the importance of social interaction in the following way:
2. It is a medium of learning
3. It makes an individual realize his rights and responsibilities
4. It develops the personality of an individual and makes him social and disciplined
5. It helps to assimilate an individual with the social norms, values, code and conduct and as a whole culture.
6. It helps to preserve, promote, develop the culture and other social heritage, and hand over them to the successive generation.
7. It keeps society alive, vibrant and dynamic.
8. It helps strengthen the relationship of an individual with the world and helps to develop a sense of philanthropy.

Process of social interaction in classroom

As human beings interact directly and indirectly among each other in the society, so do students in the classroom. Social interaction suggests the events of people keep in touch to each other by different ways. Human being share their attitude, feeling, thought and aspiration among each other to resolve their own problems or others' which is called social interaction. They meet, interact, converse, talk, discuss and so on which is categorized as social interaction. And such social interaction happens in teaching learning process which is regarded as social interaction in the classroom.
Social interaction is an inevitable medium of teaching-learning process. It occurs through a varied ways verbal, non-verbal, formal, informal. A society is the sum of different individuals, their individual differences, interests, needs, aspirations, and their cultures, in this sense, a society is a mosaic where various thing interact to each other. The same is the condition of classroom. Like a society a classroom is a composite whole of different individuals, their individual differences, capacity, ability, creativity, potentiality, needs, necessity, interests, aspirations etc. Different students come together from different religion, caste, race, language, culture, gender, social environment, economic condition, political phenomena in a classroom. And they interact to each other and their teacher which is regarded as social interaction in the classroom.


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