Sociological perspectives on Education

Unit IV: Sociological perspectives on Education


 The word sociology has been derived from two words 'Socio' and 'Logy'. 'Socio' stands for society whereas 'Logy' refers to study or science. Thus, etymologically, sociology means scientific study of society.
 Sociology aims to studying society using various empirical investigation and critical analysis. It concentrates on human social activity. It is the scientific study of dynamic process of interactions of human being with the various social aspects.
Definitions of Sociology
'Sociology is the science of society.' - Auguste Comte
'Sociology is the study of different forms of human interactions.' -Max Weber
'Sociology is the scientific study of the process of interaction of persons and patterns in relation to biological, psychological and cultural influences.' - Herbert Spencer

4.1 Relationship between sociology and education

Educational Sociology

 To view education through sociological perspective is educational sociology. It analyses the sociological process that takes place in educational milieu. It not only studies educational problems through sociological perspective but also seeks to resolve the sociological problem by the help of education.
 Educational sociology aims to study the effects of social aspects to the field of education, prepare curriculum on the basis of need and aspiration of the society, resolve the problems of society through the help of education. It makes the schools relevent to the society and social progress.
School as a sub-system of society
 School is a replica of society which is an important constituent of the society. It is a part of society that helps to constitute the society as a whole. Human beings are social animal. What water is to fish, so is society to human being. Society gets constructed by human beings. And without education no individual can be a complete one. So if a society is constructed by individuals, and if without education an individual becomes incomplete, how can a society be society without education in real sense?
 A school is a formal institution that aims to producing necessary human resources. It is a place where an individual learns the thing that he needs in society, and it is also the medium through which one generation hands over culture, norms and values of the society to the successive generation. So a school is a formal construction where an individual gets socialization.
 A society is structured by variety of structural elements. A system functions because of such structural elements. Hence a society is a system, and a school functions as a structural element or sub-system. Any system functions with the help of their sub-systems. A nation is a system where society is its sub system, and in a similar manner school is the sub-system of society.
 School helps society to be constituted, and it is a miniature society in itself, school fulfils the social need and aspiration, preserves and hand covers culture, develops the social beings, personality and human resources for the society, helps to construct and reconstruct the society and contributes to socialize the individuals of the society, So school is regarded as a subsystem of society.
Relationship between sociology and education
 Education and society are two sides of a sheet of paper. They depend on one another to exist. No independent existence of education lies in the absence of society and the vice versa. Sociology studies about the society and society is attached with education. Society and education are interrelated; we cannot separate education and society. Sociology deals with the social aspects of education relating education with the society. The more education remains relevant to society, the more education becomes effective. Education is in line with the social needs and aspiration; whether education can resolve the problems seen in the society, and educational process strengthens the relationship between society and education. Society is barren without education and education remains sterile without society. So, the concept of educational sociology comes into effect.
 Hence education influences society and the society influences the education, and all this process is conducted by sociology by the help of education and society. So education and society should go hand in hand cooperating to each other being attached with sociology.


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