School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP) to Post-SSRP (2009-2015)

6.4 School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP) to Post-SSRP (2009-2015)

 School Sector Reform Program (SSRP) aims at reforming the structure of schooling system on the basis of various experiences of different prospects and programs as well as contemporary national needs and international context. The ministry of education of Nepal prepared a concept paper to reform structure of school. As a result, a School Sector Reform Plan was introduced in 2009.
 This project aimed at improving the quality of education, restructuring the schooling system and making the education competitive with global context.
 In fact, all member countries of the United Nations are committed to Universal primary education as one major Millennium Development Goal (MGD).The World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal in April 2000 adopted a holistic concept of educational development declaring Education for all (EFA) to achieve by participating countries by 2015. As a signatory member country of the forum, Nepal has also committed to meet the target by 2015.
 As a result Nepal has prepared Education for All-National Plan Action (EFA-NPA) 2001-2015. EFA aims at improving and expanding early childhood and care, ensuring access to all, meeting the learning needs of all children including indigenous peoples and linguistic minorities, reducing adult illiteracy, eliminating gender disparity, and improving all aspects of quality education.
 The EFA, NPA i s divided into two periods EFA 2004-09 and 2009-15. The later part has been implemented as School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP). The SSRP (2009-15) is a long term strategic plan to achieving the goals and objectives of basic and secondary education.
 This plan attempted to restructure the current educational system. As such, grade 1 to 8 is proposed as basic education and 9 to 12 as secondary education. It also aims at restructuring policy and strategy, school structure, curriculum, assessment system, teacher empowerment and other managerial aspects of schools to attain the targeted goals.

Goals of School Sector Reform Program (SSRP)

1.  The school sector reform program aims to restructure the school education throughout the country.

2.  The SSRP aims to extend quality of Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs throughout the country.

3.  It aims at enhancing access of children to school and improving participation and retention.

4.  It aims at incorporating diversity of the society, indigenous, culture and language in education and finding out learning need.

5.  It aims to employ mother tongue as a medium language for the instruction of basic education.

6.  It aims to develop non formal education to school age children as well as adults.

7.  It aims to focus on girls and women of educationally deprived groups so as to ensure their equal participation and equitable result.

8.  It aims to improve quality education by improving learning process and learning conditions.

9.  It aims to strengthen the capacity of institutions for effective implementation of reform programs.

10.  It classifies grade one to eight as basic education and grade nine to twelve as secondary education as:
       Foundation School 1-3 grades
       Primary School 1-5 grades
       Upper Primary 1-8 grades
       Secondary 1-12 grades

11.  It classifies vocational education stream into three types:
              A two year technical education after grade 8
              A four year technical higher secondary education after grade 8
              A three year higher secondary technical education after grade 10.

Features of SSRP

1.  SSRP tries to implement education through right-based approach- education as inalienable rights of an individual.

2.  It emphasizes on technical education through development based approach.

3.  It tries to make education inclusive.

4.  It highly emphasizes on quality of education to all.

5.  It prioritizes gender equality in education.

6.  The entrance age at basic education is 5.

7.  The ending level of secondary education is grade 12

8.  It envisions Secondary level as general, vocational and technical

9.  It emphasizes on public private partnership.

10.  It envisions teacher student ratio as 1:40.

11.  B.Ed. is required qualification for primary head teacher and M. Ed. is for secondary level.


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