Socialization as a base Concept

4.2 Socialization as a base


 Socialization is a process of interacting among individuals and other social phenomena. Socialization is a process through which individuals learn social norms and values, culture, ideas beliefs and traditions. Socialization enables individuals to adjust with the society.
 Human beings are social animals; they take birth, live and die in society. The existence of an individual person cannot be imagined outside of society. The existence of an individual person cannot be imagined outside of society. Society is an aggregate of individuals having a common culture, values and feeling of unity. All these cultures, values and feeling of unity are the products of their struggle for existence. This struggle becomes successful because of their collective efforts, in which all the people play different roles in society in the process of socialization. This relation should be continued not only for benefit or the society but also for the individuals; therefore socialization has become a must for existence of society and individuals so we can say socialization is the fundamental process of human development, development of education and rest of all dimension of human life.
 Aristotle has said, 'Man is a social organism. Who does not live in society can be only an animal or the God.'
 All the persons take birth as a 'biological organism' as a biological organism, they take birth with some fundamental needs such as hunger, thirst, pain and pleasure. They can be compared with an animal due to these needs. But when they are socialized they identify themselves as the member of some specified group. It is called the process of socialization. This process of socialization turns them as a "social organism". In this way, socialization can be defined as a process of transformation of a person from a biological organism to a social organism.
Hence socialization is the process that changes an individual into a human being from a biological one by enabling to adopt his forefather's culture and helps individual to be acquainted with the socio-cultural behavior that has been developed by their forefathers from time immemorial. So socialization is a process through which an individual acquires social values, code and conducts, norms and culture so social is the fundamental process of evolution.

Elements of Socialization

Means of Communication-Language
Love and Affection
Social Interaction


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